Thursday, August 18, 2011

The oy vey of it all.

I can't reinforce enough how much I do not like taking broad-spectrum high-dose antibiotics. It gives me a tummy ache and makes me have to poo all the time. NO! (10 more days to go :\ )

Birth control, ye are my frienemy. One the one hand, I haven't had a migraine this month. It's glorious. Like, shout from the rooftops awesome. On the other hand, I knew that it would make my period funky for at least one more cycle. And sure enough, that happened. about 7 days after I should have gotten my period, I started spotting (like you do right at the end, with that little bit of brown/old blood). Today, while at work, it started in pretty good. Only, it never turned into an actual period. Just dark dark brown (seriously almost looks black) thick blood and clots. The clots aren't big enough in size to worry me. But the fact that it's just so much of this mess is a little obnoxious (and slightly worrisome - but I'll give my body time to be angry at me for intruding upon it with hormones). So, no migraine, minimal cramping, a whole lot of yuck. And on top of that, the float trip is this weekend. My skin is already not feeling so great from wearing pads all day and I don't think tampons are really called for right now (there's not THAT much, and it's so thick that a tampon would absorb it). Which leaves me to either wear a tampon in the water or just let my butt sit in the water without anything all day (which I've done on my period in the past). But this just sounds like a UTI or vaginosis waiting to happen. Oy.
Let's do this better next month body.

Also, not that anybody but me would notice it - small is still small - but birth control has actually caused (non-painful) breast swelling. That part I could REALLY get used to ;P

I think it's time for pills and some Harry Potter before bed. Peace out kids.

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