I had to patient sit yesterday at work. That sucked ass. I didn't get breaks and sitting KILLS my hips. I'm still sore from that (well, the fact that the two breaks that I did get saw me subluxing also left me pretty sore too).
The cooling weather is not good for the arthritis.
Likewise, neither is my new project. But screw that, I'm enjoying it so much. I'm making my stepdad a quilt for Christmas out of his old Marine Corps t-shirts and a Marine Corps print fleece that I found. I'm doing the blocks by hand, then I'll do the big stuff on the sewing machine (which my mom is going to bring to me next weekend). It's really been stressing on the fingers, but I'm enjoying it so much I don't care (though I do wish I had finger splints...that would make things so much nicer).
After much discussion, my doc and I decided I could try to titrate down off the beta blocker. I'm hoping there will be no significant change that requires me to go back on it.
Because of my new insurance company, I'm being forced off my Topamax. I'm scared shitless about this. I always take them to get filled the day they are due to fill (you have to wait a certain amount of time with some drugs, with topamax, I have to have 1 week left before I can fill). With one day left (I went earlier in the week and they still weren't ready), they tell me the insurance company is having trouble with the authorization. For whatever reason, they are making me jump through hoops. I have 6 refills left on this script, I've been on it for 5 years so the pharmacy has me on file (with a couple different docs), but that's apparently not good enough for them. And now because of it, I'm going to run out. It's $300 to get it without the insurance, which I can't do. But this is a drug that's dangerous to go off of cold turkey. You have to titrate down slowly. I've been on it for 5 years and I've only ever missed 2 doses (and they were over a year apart), so I really don't know how my body will react to dropping it without warning. I'm paranoid. I really hope they come through and get it soon because I have one tablet left for tomorrow morning, nothing left for tomorrow night. That's a really scary concept to me considering I know the side effects of stopping this stuff like that.
I'm tired, and I want to quilt some more, but it's bed time. Nighty night for me!
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