Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Short, sweet...

I dislocated my thumb taking off my TEDs a bit ago. Hence the need to be short and sweet. Typing hurts all through my hand/wrist/arm/THUMB.

I'm off the beta blocker. Talked it over with my doc, we came to an agreement. I keep the script around for emergencies and titrate properly, I can try going off. It worked. I feel the same. Go me. One less pill. One less that I didn't need anyway. Because I'm still having dysautonomia-like symptoms that need to be dealt with.
I broke down and bought a heart rate monitor watch. We'll keep better track that way.

Finally heard back from the stomach specialist surgeon about the tests I had. I have visceral hypersensitivity. I don't need surgery. Just a new med. I can get rid of the proton pump inhibitor I've been taking for years (it wasn't doing much anyway) and start a different kind of med (after making an appointment with and seeing another gastroenterologist). This stuff will work much better for me according to the doc. Basically, it's like my body is just allergic to it's own stomach acids. The new treatment will target that better rather than trying to mask it unsuccessfully.
Also, I have a spastic and sluggish esophagus. Shocker. I have EDS ;P But he said he's seen this independent of preexisting conditions before, so not to go completely blaming the EDS for this one.

Insurance company finally came through. I have my drugs. And they prorated a little bit since I paid out of pocket for the first ten tabs. I only paid a small portion of my copay on the remaining 50. That made me feel good.

I think it's time for me to hit the hay. I have a lazy day coming up tomorrow and I am greatly looking forward to it. Don't want to waste any of it by staying up too late ;P

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