Sunday, July 18, 2010

PMS fail

I started my period a few days early. Which is fine, I kind of wanted that. I don't want to have to think about messing with it during the road trip and wedding next weekend (I can't believe the summer flew by so fast!!! my best friend is finally getting married!!!). But. Now I feel absolutely crappy. I've been nauseated for days as it is. And the wicked first-day cramps have set off a small bout of IBS. Not bad enough that I want to subject myself to IBS meds, because I really hate being snowed. So my options are pain, nausea, cramps, the works, or drug-induced zombie-state.

Fail. I took Tylenol (my friend as of late, sorry liver, you have to deal with it), and made myself eat something, much to my stomach's dismay. And I feel slightly better.

Chatting with friends and watching Friends definitely helped too.

I'm trying to do some writing too. The muse finally came back to play. But my hand is having none of the pen and paper action. The muse is not quite as pleased with the computer....she's old school tonight I guess. But I'm making it work. Because it's either type or keep the plot bunnies caged away until my hands are less achy and I'm off work again. Likely that neither will happen any time soon.


Time for some ranting. Going to keep this short and sweet because I'd rather be writing, but I know me, I'd like to have my thoughts down.
I was trying to get a referral to the GI doc and surgeon to get my gut taken care of before I switch insurance (at the broker's suggestion, as he thinks it's unlikely I'll be accepted to a new plan with a pre-existing condition, or they just won't treat it for 12 months if they do take me, I don't like either option) and before Matt has to be back to work. Seemed like a good idea in theory. Until the GI doc here said that my scans don't even show that I have the hernia that I was diagnosed with. I have no idea how that's possible. There was a lot of phone tag and relaying messages through the receptionist at my GP's office (I wish I could just talk to the woman). But basically, they say there's nothing there and certainly nothing that would need surgical intervention.
Since I was scheduled for surgery for this last year, I'm more than slightly confused. The only reason we didn't go through with this surgery was because I seemed to be doing okay after the gallbladder surgery. But that changed and now I want to go back to the original plan and have the anti-reflux surgery. I certainly wouldn't want surgery if it wasn't indicated, but I can tell you for sure I'm not healthy. The amount of Prilosec and Tums I take in a day, along with my diet can vouch for that.
So my GI doc's office is supposed to be faxing over notes and records, as is my previous surgeon. And I have an appointment with the GP on Thursday. Matt is insisting on going with me. And I'm very glad. Because I'm tired of trying to convince people of this. I'll be happy to let him. We both know my life would be better if I had less reflux on a daily basis. If I could eat even semi-regular foods once in a while, if I choked less (23 year olds shouldn't be choking at all, certainly not on a regular basis), if I didn't have to take a butt-load of meds to feel fairly functional (just from a gastrointestinal point of view...there are other meds on the list), if I didn't have to sleep with the head of my bed up on risers to slant it and a wedge pillow to incline me even more (because I refuse to still be using that damn wedge after I get married!!!). This is not normal, and I know it's treatable, likely even fixable. I'm fine with having to modify my diet for the anti-reflux surgery if I have to, if that's all I had to deal with. That would be one thing to make me comfortable. Not ten thousand. And those don't even work half the time.
We'll see what the GI doc's notes say and what my GP has to say at my appointment on Thursday. And I will try not to worry about it too much after that.
Because Thursday, I'm going to go to Matt's, shower, sleep for a while, and hit the road. We're going to have 4 fabulous days off together to see my best friend get married!!! I can't wait!!!


For now, I go back to feeding the plot bunnies and entertaining the muse.

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