Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pain, pain, go away

It was so bad I could barely stand by the time I left work.

And my balance has been really bad lately. Especially at the beginning and end of my days (not so much morning and night, because that's not where my day distributes). I almost fell standing from my chair at work this front of the nurse. I had been complaining that I was really tired all night, so I think she brushed it off as that, but it wasn't. At least not completely. And by the time I got home, I couldn't walk at all without having to hold onto something. Showering in the morning when I get home is always frightening....collecting everything I need in the floor of the tub and sitting while I shower is very helpful. Certainly don't have as far to fall that way :P


Hmm. I really wish I had more molasses cookies. I just finished the last one. But I don't have another day off until the weekend. So I won't be going out until then. Guess I'll have to make do without them.
....I have granola bars with chocolate in the meantime ;) Now that's the sunny side of life!!

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