Sunday, July 3, 2011

Stupid girl is stupid

Okay, I know my body, know my limits, know what I should and shouldn't do.

Doesn't mean I don't royally fuck up from time to time.

I was a patient sitter today in the ICU, which meant that I did not get enough breaks to eat, drink, and pee. This led to a headache, dehydration, and bladder/bowel spasms. So when I left work, I was so anxious to get food and fluids in me, I made a bad judgement call: I stopped for food. Or, not food. Anything on a fast food menu has more fat in a single "serving" than I usually eat in a whole day. Once in a GREAT WHILE, I can handle it. Today, since I was already food/drink deprived, my body was pissed off. Feeding something stupid to a pissed off body never ends well.

So three hours later, I'm still in a huge amount of pain, my stomach is distended because it won't digest, and I'm nauseated. Not my favorite feeling. But I got what I deserved for messing with the diet (because dammit, that's working!).

Ativan went down as soon as I could allow it, and it's helping the pain and nausea some. But I'm still not going to bed any time soon.

Which is okay since everyone is going firework CA-RAZY here tonight and I want to sit up and write for a while since I haven't in a few days. if only the puppy didn't want to sit right on my protruding guts and play rough....

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